George is a very typical mustang standing about 15.1 hands high and weighing about 1,000 pounds. His conformation is excellent and as usual he has incredibly strong hooves. We use George as a trail horse and as a model of what wild horses can be. George knows several exercises and is currently on the path to being a “finished” horse. We expect him to reach this status within the next 18-24 months.

George is the second mustang that resides at Funny Farm Mustangs permanently. George is 7 years old. George was a foal found down in a desert wash outside the town of Alamo, NV, a small ranching community approximately 90 miles northeast of Las Vegas. A local cattle and hay rancher, with his son and grandson, were moving cows around to different pastures when they heard the faint whinny of a horse. They rode their horses around the desert area finally locating George, who had been either abandoned or lost from his band or family of mustangs on the range. Fortunately, he was able to maintain a good enough diet until he was found. After getting approval from the BLM to keep him as an unregistered (no brand) mustang, we acquired him for $5.00 and he is turning out to be one of the best trail riding horses we’ve had!

George’s Gallery: