Imagine Madame’s surprise when she finally came home to Funny Farm Mustangs to find her cousin, Burrito, our beautiful miniature donkey, waiting for her! They became instant best friends and are inseparable. Burrito is 9 years old. Burrito was located on Craigslist a few months prior to adopting Madame. He was one of three miniatures on a small horse property here in Vegas and was miserable because burros are more of a team or pair animal, unlike horses, which are herd animals. Burros usually link up with another burro and remain as a pair or team for their life. Being the third mini burro, Burrito was lonely and had gained an enormous amount of weight due to inactivity. Funny Farm Mustangs was able to purchase him and bring him to the facility and to this day, not only has he lost most of that excess weight but he and Madame are inseparable! He is truly the most adorable “pet” here at Funny Farm Mustangs and everyone that ever comes over always tells us the same thing, “We want to take Burrito home with us!!”
We are always very proud to tell everyone that meets Burrito that he actually won a contest! But not just any old contest, a cutest pet contest put on by the U. S. Government! In 2013, we submitted his picture and a short Bio of him to the government during their annual Combined Federal Campaign charity event and out of all the pictures submitted; his was chosen as the winner! All the money generated by people across the government placing money into his “jar” went to charity. Quite an accomplishment for a mini burro that used to be grossly overweight and totally depressed!
Burrito’s Gallery: